Exchange student course
The enrolment periods for exchange students are April (for the two-year course) and October (for the 18-month course).
Beginner's Class
(Six months)
Learn the basics of Japanese grammar and cultivate the required basic knowledge. Learn hiragana and katakana, as well as simple conversational language, basic sentence patterns, and some kanji (about 500 characters). Work on your listening comprehension and gain the minimum communication skills necessary for everyday life.
Intermediate Class 1
(Six months)
Building on the basic knowledge gained in the Beginner's Class, continue developing your skills in each of the learning categories. Learn the Japanese skills needed for everyday social life in Japan, including reading comprehension, listening comprehension, conversational skills, kanji (about 1,000 characters), and the ability to write simple sentences. By the end of this class, students are expected to pass the N3 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. This class also serves as part of the academic requirements for passing the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students.
Intermediate Class 2
(Six months)
Cultivate comprehensive Japanese language skills by studying complex grammar, conversational language, kanji (about 2,000 characters), and listening comprehension as well as reading newspaper editorials and writing short essays. By the end of this class, students are expected to pass the N2 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. This class also serves as part of the academic requirements for passing the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students.
Advanced Class
(Six months)
With the aim of cultivating the skills required to study and conduct research at universities and graduate schools, higher-level teaching materials are used to enhance your comprehension of Japanese culture and literature and to develop your reading comprehension for technical texts as well as your sentence composition skills. This class is designed to help students gain Japanese language skills that will be an immediate asset for securing employment in their home countries or in Japan. By the end of this class, students are expected to pass the N1 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
Other courses
We also offer short courses and programs for foreigners living in Japan. If you have any questions about tuition or enrolment periods, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Academic advancement records
In addition to comprehensive educational guidance that is aimed at helping students advance to universities, graduate schools, and vocational schools, we also offer extensive academic advancement consultations. Many of our students advance to the educational institutions of their choice.
Tokyo University / Waseda University / Keio University / Tsukuba University / Kyoto University / Tokyo Institute of Technology / Meiji University / Tokyo University of Foreign Studies / Yokohama University / Saitama University / Sophia University / Chiba University / Nihon University / lbaraki University / Toyo University / Dokkyo University / Nippon Institute of Technology / Seigakuin University / Doshisha University / Senshu University / Asia University / Daito Bunka University / Soka University / Juntendo University / Kyoto University of Foreign Studies / Fukui University / Kyoei University / Reitaku University / Tokyo International University / Utsunomiya University / Jobu University / Bunka Women's University / Kyorin University / Josai University / Mejiro University / Chukyo University / Toho college of Music etc.